Our calling is to help you find yours:
Maybe you’ve caught a glimpse of your God-given calling. . .
You know there is something stirring inside you. You can’t quite put your finger on it. You’ve been to church, volunteered, ministered, and that’s been good—but that’s not “it.”

“How Did the Ordination Conference Help You Find Your Calling?”
There’s no one out there pulling believers together to remind them, “You are ALREADY called by God! You have already been ordained!” That’s what the Ordination Conference offers.
I loved being around other believers who came alive with the realization that they are ALL the sons and daughters of God, so it’s time so start acting like it. That’s what can transform a city from the ground-up.
– Steve White

Take a Peek at the Ordination Conference Curriculum. . .
Being called by God–Ordination–has nothing to do with pastoring a church and everything to do with one’s personal, specific, God-given, assignment. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Five Rivers Ministries founder David Allen penned Set the Christians Free to remind believers that we are called to perform miracles beyond the four walls of the church. In our midst, the Holy Spirit is today raising up a generation that says, “Here am I, Lord! Send me!”
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Greetings from David Allen, Our Founder
When you’ve caught glimpses of your calling and shared it with others in your life, have you gotten responses like, “You’re not ready. You don’t have the anointing. That’s not a good idea. That couldn’t be God. It’s just your imagination. Who do you think you are!” ?
As painful as these words may be—especially when they come from those we respect or love—remember that only God has the authority to declare your calling and your destiny.
There is something beyond church that’s waiting for you, and we’re here to help you find it.
Have Question ? Contact us: info@fiveriversministries.com